Optimizing Keywords

The goal of your keyword optimization is to get the highest quality traffic. If someone finds your blog in search engines, but they’re looking for something else, you didn’t do a proper job. It’s always better and smarter to get 100 visitors who want what you have, than to get 1000 surfers who leave before the first page finishes loading. What your blog needs is targeted and “on topic” traffic.

Optimizing Keywords

The first step to understand a keyword strategy is to know how people search. For any topic or niche, there are thousands of ways that people will select a keyword or phrase when using any search engine. The more different keywords and phrases your site “ranks” for, (in the top 10 results), the more often it will show up when a member of your target audience conducts a search. Every time your site appears in the search results, there’s a chance your site will be visited. Obviously, the higher your site ranks, the better your chance for success.

Once your site appears in the search results, you need to check that your blog title and description match what that particular web surfer is looking for. The total formula, then, involves how many keyword phrases your site can rank well for, and how relevant and enticing your page titles and descriptions are. Obviously, then, increasing the number of keyword phrases your site covers will often deliver far better results than trying to rank well on one extremely competitive keyword. The best part of this, is that increasing the number of keywords actually helps you target the right audience. For example a #1 ranking for “Real Estate” even if you could achieve it, only attracts a very general audience. However a #1 ranking for “Miami FL Condos” is much easier to achieve, and far more targeted, which means higher quality traffic for your site.

One Comment

  1. Hello I have a Real Estate site and also use your Theme Patagonia. Doing great so far, traffic increasing week after week. I will take your tip on Keywords, and will target a more specific term, cause “real estate” alone, is not that easy to target. Thank you so much for both, your excellent theme and your tips.

    Best regards,

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