How to set WordPress on a subdirectory

I will explain you an easy way to set WordPress on a subdirectory, even if you have WordPress installed on your root folder. A lot of people and sites want to display a front page as their main site and not their articles or posts. A good example of this, is Matt Cutts. You can see his blog at Instead of installing his blog at he decided to put it on The easiest way to do this is by creating two pages in WordPress.

First you create a blank page called “Blog” or whatever name you would like to use. (Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New). Then you create another page that will be your front page. I called it Parent Page for this example. Save the changes and you’re done. That is it. You will see a front page in “” and your blog articles on “”. You can then customize your front page to fit your needs. For example, the sidebar can be removed to make it a full width page, insert tables, etc.


  1. I”m in the process of updating my web page and I think WordPress is a good option for me. I want to host a video blog for the flip camera platform and another page, so I don’t want the standard right side menues to appear. I’m hosting on Godaddy and have done the one click install. I’ve done some very basic html, and I’d like to speed up my learning curve. Can I contact you about revising the top quality Patagonia template to fit my purposes? I have a pay pal account.


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