Patagonia 1.6.9 and Tandil 1.3.7

Patagonia and Tandil WordPress Themes have been updated today. A print.css has been added to improve printing. Some people still like to print out web sites, so this feature can be useful to some of your visitors.

Download Theme

Preview Theme

Download Theme

Preview Theme

You can either install or update Patagonia and Tandil theme automatically from your dashboard. This is recommended if you didn’t change anything in the css or php files manually. Otherwise, make you sure to save your customization before upgrading.

Happy WordPressing everyone!


  1. thanx for the theme….

  2. Alex, I assume automatic update for Patagonia is still not available with this new update 1.6.9 you have recently posted?

  3. The print function is very very useful for the modrn websites, impossible to save and print correctly.
    But i would prefere something that open a standard browser window, so the user can save it or print it.

  4. oky-doky, made some modification but where is the print button?
    I would also change the name of the theme 🙂
    I’m not sure the theme needs all the localizazion toolkit.
    What is annoying me is that using WP english some stuff are localized in WP, some on the theme, and date is the very basic one…

  5. Hi and thanks for the nice theme. I am trying to change the header picture and have found the area in the code, but are having trouble finding the size of it. Could you please advise me with the size format of the picture?

    br. Anders

    • Sure, make sure the header.jpg is at least 850pixels width X 206 pixels height. And you can use your own bar2.jpg or simply delete it from the images folder. If you decide to use your own, make it at least 850×30. The bar2.jpg is the background images of header nav bar (menu). Cheers, Alex.

  6. Patagonia 1.6.9? Your post seems a bit dated as we installed Patagonia 1.7.0 last week.

  7. hi…i just make a blog a couple week ago and i’m using your theme…thanks for the nice theme…

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