IPv6 day: test your connection

Today, 8 June, 2011, Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai, Limelight Networks and other 200 organizations around the globe, turned on IPv6 for the world’s first mass test of the second-generation networking standard. The Internet needs more addresses, due of the lack of IPv4 addresses. That’s why Google and other websites are testing this new protocol. Test your IPv6 connection to see if your computer and connection are ready for IPv6. Learn more about IPv6 readiness

Test your IPv6 connection here

Many organizations are participating in World IPv6 Day without having actually made any changes to their networking environment or Website, thanks to Akamai. The content delivery network signed up 30 customers from around the globe, about one percent of its customer base, to its Akamai IPv6 Service, Champagne said. The service allows customers who don’t have IPv6-enabled Websites to still be accessible to users browsing the Web using machines with IPv6 addresses.

The differences in the IPv4 and IPv6 standards mean that the two address spaces are generally separate and cannot overlap. That means users with IPv6-enabled devices can’t access Websites hosted on servers with IPv4 addresses, nor can IPv4-enabled devices access sites hosted on IPv6 servers. Dual-stack configurations and tunneling services have been used to help bridge the two parallel networks. Akamai’s service is another method customers can use, Champagne said.

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