Happy birthday to WpThemesPlanet!

Today, April 26th 2010 is WpThemesPlanet’s first birthday! To celebrate I’m releasing a new and original theme called Director. Check it out. This WordPress Theme is compatible with the latest WordPress Release and includes theme options, threaded comments, JQuery menu and a very Professional and unique look inspired by Hollywood and Cinema in General. However this theme can be used for any kind of site, niche or business. By the way, the Hollywood Sign has been saved today by a fund raising and announced by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

           Download Theme

               Demo Theme

I designed this template in Photoshop, coded and edited it in Dreamweaver and Notepad++. Although this theme is visual attractive (which in many cases means “heavy”) it does not take a lot of resources like some other similar wordpress themes. Most of the visual attractive themes tend to be heavy for your host and slow loading for the user. Most of those themes load a lot of add-ons in their header.php, plus they have a very complex functions.php. I designed Director to be as “lite” as possible, yet visual attractive.

Many more features will be added in the next versions of Director. Some extra features like custom CSS, Analytics, Adsense and more. Custom CSS will let you modify the stylesheet and save the customization, so you don’t lose the changes when you update. Twitter, Facebook and Custom RSS can be added from the theme’s options. Enter the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance -> Director Options. You can also send suggestions here. This WordPress theme will be offered in Spanish (my native language) in the next few versions. Want to translate Director Theme to another language? You can contact me as well and I will add your credit (name and site) to the changelog!

Here are some stats of WpThemesPlanet first year:

20,000 downloads of Patagonia and 10,000 of Tandil

100 articles

800 approved comments

12,000 spam comments blocked by Akismet!

300 user Emails received.

450 Support emails sent.

3 Free WordPress Themes and 50 Theme Updates released.

Many theme customizations for clients of Patagonia and Tandil.

I want to thank everyone for using my themes and supporting the project. The first year is hard. Most internet projects collapse during this period. If you manage to survive the first year, you are good to go. During this period, I spent time adding content and supporting users, as well as updating and improving both themes. During the second year I want to take the whole project to the next level. Many good things will follow! Stay tuned!

Finally I want to quote a phrase from Thomas Alva Edison:

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Never give up!


  1. congrats on the year alex & cool new theme. appreciate your help with my site. muchos grassy ass (…can you tell spanish isn’t my native language? 😉

  2. Amazing theme! Congrats on the year! I’m going to use this theme on my new website. Thank you Alex.

  3. How do implement this blog theme on my website

    • Hello Wycliff Mokaya, download Director theme zip file to your computer, then go to Appearance -> Add New Themes and upload the zip file. Regards, Alex.

  4. Hello, thank you for the template, it is really nice. One thing looks strange though – gray on gray tabs on top. The rest is really fine. thank you.

  5. i have download your nice theme ( Director Theme 1.3 par WpThemesPlanet) but my language is french … is it possible u can help help ?

    thanks 😉

    • you can contact me and tell which parts u need to change. I don’t speak french, but I can advise you on what parts of code to change.

  6. Hi, I use ur Director theme and as you said it’s so lite considering the attractive visual u provided. One thing here is when I go on the sub menu, sometimes the main menus went folded, just like piled one and another. I need to refresh the page to make the page perfect. All in all, thank you so much!

    • If you can send me an example of that via email. I can’t see the problem on your site. Email me at: webmaster (at) wpthemesplanet (dot) com

  7. Love your theme and use it on a rotating basis with other themes…
    If there was one thing I would change though is the box that shows around all icons like 🙂 or 🙁
    Is there a simple fix for this?
    THANX, DO!

    • Hello, I will fix that in the next version. Only problem is that WordPress is not updating their theme section lately, so you guys and gals will have to download the next versions directly form my site. Or contact me for a quick fix, will send you the line of code for change this. Greetings, Alex.

  8. I like your themes, and has used it to decorate my site http://www.if-else.tk/ , hoping you next version of Director 🙂

  9. Interactive Whiteboards :

    we always make a fund raising drive when we want to do some cleanup on the local neighborhood.

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